Here today, dead tomorrow

5 April 2011
Here today, dead tomorrow

We put our census in the garbage. I know the census supposed to be about future housing and services, that's OK, what I don't like is the thought that the census information is stored for a hundred years. The census will also serve another purpose in time to come. What if one day they decide to round us all up, like they did in Germany "Just after the census"?

what stops them? And don't any gorja give me that crap that we are protected by European law, because the simple fact is "We are not" they can whatever they want with us. As for the census form, why has it got "Irish Traveller" and not "Romani"? Regardless to what anyone says, we are still not recognized as an ethnic group, census or not.

In the eye of the gorjicane, a Gypsy is "Anyone" that doesn't have a fixed abode; it does not refer to the Roma ethnicity of which we belong. As for the vague term "traveller" that's another misnomer. Anyone can be a traveller, anyone in the world, its simple all you do to be a traveller is start travelling. I used to be a traveller, but I live in a house now, I'm a traveller no longer, but, I am and always have been Romani, belonging to the ethnicity of Roma people.

So, the census vaguely acknowledges our presence, it offers us nothing where we can state our true ethnicity as "Romani Gypsy" instead, by asking if you are "Gypsy" or "Traveller" it is merely referring to a lifestyle, not an ethnicity, of which we are in desperate need to be recognized as such among member states of the European union.

For these reasons I have thrown the form out, if they want to take me to court so be it, I'll say the same thing in front of the judge as I have stated above.

Though there are many among you gorji folki that would strongly even vehemently disagree in regards to the census being used for other purposes and pogroms rather than national infrastructure, I would like to point out the simple logical fact that we don't know what the future holds for us in Europe. Judging by how our fellow brethren are despised and spat on in Eastern Europe, I can say for sure that, that future is looking ever bleaker.

Wrting this, I am reminded of a scene from an Indiana Jones movie "The Temple Of Doom" were Willy Scott played by Kate Capshaw says to Indiana Jones:

"You are going to get killed".

To which he replies:"Yes, but not today"

That makes me think of our precarious situation, we too one day are "going to get killed," and though there are many of our brothers and sisters that are on a daily basis and strictly on the basis of their Roma ethnicity, killed and maimed throughout the entire continent of Europe, I do believe that the census could be used as future ammunition to round us up.

"Not today" they aren't going to round all our people up today, the census is for the national infrastructure, such as roads, housing, hospitals, etc.

But as British attitudes and the mentalities that have been conditioned and brain-washed by the "Daily Express" and "The Daily Mail" continually turn sour and ever more intolerant toward us, we shouldn't be taking a cavalier attitude like that of Indiana Jones.

"You could get killed" said Willy."Yes" Indiana replied "But not today"

This is our own people's attitude. Alone Roma soul among the Gypsies shouts "They could round us all up like in Germany with the census!" And the reply that lone soul gets back as pens poised over the paper? "Yes, but not today"

No, maybe not today, maybe today we are not the priority, maybe today we are not on their most wanted list, so before you sign, ask yourself this: "What about tomorrow"