Janie Cordona and Jo Richardson with De Montford University research project conflict resolution

27 February 2015

Janie Codona and Jo Richardson from De Montfort University, Leicester, are undertaking a piece of research for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The funded project seeks to examine some of the challenges faced by Gypsy and Traveller communities in the UK, particularly related to the tension and conflict around Gypsy and Traveller sites on two key issues: (1) site management and (2) planning and development of new sites.

The core aim of this research project is to co-produce a methodology for reducing conflict around the development and management of Gypsy and Traveller sites, and we are working with Gypsy and Traveller communities and advocacy agencies in three case study areas.  We would also like to hear from people across the UK, Europe and indeed further afield with examples of:

Good site management (local authority and private examples)
Sites which are improving
Current consultation exercises on newly planned sites, or site extensions (we are interested not just in ‘good practice’ but in any examples where there is a lesson to be learnt.

Please contact jrichardson@dmu.ac.uk if you have any examples you would like to share, or if you have any questions.