"Three's allowed!" says Romani language project

29 August 2013

"Gypsy with bulls" (Gitano y toros) by artist Gabi Jimenez. © the artist

A NEW PROJECT is inviting people to send in their favourite three words in the Romani language.

The project, called "Trin Alava", which means "three words" in Romani, will use the words as part of a major exhibition in Strasbourg next May.

People are also invited to say why the words they have chosen are special to them.

"It is a reflection of the culture, traditions and life of Roma, and it is the personal expression of desires and beliefs," says the Trin Alava project's website.

There are many dialects of the Romani language, and people from different corners of the world have been sending their favourite words to the project's Facebook page.

"As a Romani blacksmith artist mine would be saster (iron), kushti (good in anglo Romani) and pogger (to break in anglo romani)," wrote former Travellers' Times editor Jake Bowers.

Miranda Vuolasranta, a Finnish Romani politician, said her favourite words are Romanipe, the pattern of ethics and culture of Roma people; Dži/Ilo, meaning heart and humanity ("some Roma say your soul and spirit", she says); and Chatcipe, meaning honesty and authenticity.

Artist and photographer Nino Pusija's favourite three words are "Amen akharas tumen", meaning "You are kindly invited".

If you'd like to be part of the project and say what your favourite three Romani words are and why, then visit the Trin Alava Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trin-alava-Trin-lafja-Trin-vorba/648581538505122