Appleby 2024 - An Eszter Halasi photo-story

So... This year the Guardian newspaper pinched one of our regular Photo-journalists Eszter Halasi and asked her to cover Appleby for them.
Eszter's photos and words were then used to create this wonderful article, which appeared both online and in the actual Guardian Newspaper on a double-page spread: Appleby: a celebration of Gypsy and Traveller heritage | Roma, Gypsies and Travellers | The Guardian
However, while Eszter was at the Fair, she took a few more photos and the Guardian is happy with us sharing them, as long as we have Eszter's permission - which we do!
So no words from Eszter for this one - read the Guardian article for her words - and we will let her photos tell a story instead.
Thanks Eszter!
And thank you Carl Blankley and family - for agreeing to Eszter's shoot and sticking your head above the parapet and getting some positive coverage of the Fair in a national newspaper.