Back to school, again!

This is the beginning of a monthly education blog from the Traveller Movement. If there is anything specific you would like them to cover, for example exclusions or EHCP’s, then let us know.
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that children and young people are experiencing the return to school repeatedly throughout the year as lockdowns halt education. From the 8th March 2021, children and young people have begun a return to school and teachers will work hard to ensure that they are able to catch up on any lost learning. We would encourage you to return your children to school if you feel that it is safe to do so, especially for those who have not been able to access learning whilst at home.
We understand how difficult it has been throughout lockdown as parents sometimes have to balance multiple children’s learning as well as the usual requests for snacks, breaks and help! It can have us all reaching the end of our tether! To help with your child’s return to school we have a few suggestions:
- If you have concerns about returning due to COVID-19 – speak to your child’s school teacher and try to come to a solution, it is better to do this than off-rolling or taking them out without informing the school.
- If your child has experienced a bereavement during this period you might want to get in touch with their teacher to see if they will be able to access any additional support.
- If your child has not been able to complete all of the home learning tasks provided or have struggled with specific areas of work – let your child’s teacher know! This will help them to quickly identify any gaps in their learning.
- Continue to complete any homework sent home and access other online learning resources during the holidays to help children keep up.
- If you feel that your child might have fallen behind, ask their class teacher whether the school are accessing the National Tutoring Programme and if this is something your child can be a part of.
- Finally, enjoy the break from home learning!
If you need any advice or support please get in touch with the Traveller Movement by emailing or ringing 020 7607 2002
By Chelsea McDonagh