Happy Christmas and Travellers’ Times Christmas photo competition

Well, it’s certainly been an interesting 2015 for The Travellers’ Times and we would like to say thank you, and a very happy Christmas to all our readers, contributors and commenters.
Travellers’ Times Online
Thanks to you all, we now publish at least four stories a week about your news and views on our website and the plans for May’s free Travellers’ Times Magazine are well underway with an extra four pages full of your content devoted to young Gypsies and Travellers and the work and education opportunities available (or not) to them. If you use the archive facility on the website, you can see the year unfolding in the stories, film clips and audio clips that are published, both in our blog section – your opinions and comment – and in our news section. The website is also a great place to find out information about Gypsy and Traveller events and fairs and to also hear about the services available to those in need of a little help or support.
Travellers’ Times Face book page
We also have a Face book page which is where we promote a lot of the articles that we publish on our website, so please come and join in the discussion if you see one of our stories that interests you.
Travellers’ Times Christmas photo competition
Over Christmas we will also be running a fun photo competition on our Facebook page. ‘Fun’ usually means no prizes but in this case we are bucking the trend and offering a bundle of old archived Travellers’ Times magazines and videos to the winner. All you have to do is post your favourite picture of your Christmas to our competition thread between now and the end of New Years Day. They can be pictures of your decorations, your Christmas outfit, presents, Christmas dinner – in fact anything that has Christmas in it!
TT Big Readers Survey
And finally – if you can find the time over Christmas, please take the time to fill in our readers survey that can be found online by following this link:
Thank you, and have a happy New Year.
Mike Doherty, Charles Newland, Lucy Murtagh and Julie Colman at The Travellers’ Times
Picture caption – Christmas at Hut Lane Traveller site, Chorley, Lancs