Introducing Frankie Smith – Gypsy Rock N’ Roll Singer

Frankie Smith is a Gypsy/Traveller singer, this year he is entering the Travellers Have Talent competition. He has been helping Polly Worner run the competition, do the poster art, media work and videos. Frankie is not like all the other singers in the competition, he sings 50's and 60's Rock N’ Roll and is currently writing new music, turning Rock N’ Roll into a Pop style for chart material.
Frankie had this to say about entering TV talent shows and his style of music: “I was a contestant on X-Factor and Brittan’s Got Talent, I got through three rounds. They asked me about my accent, I told them I am a Gypsy/Traveller and they didn't make any further contact after that, before I mentioned my ethnicity they were happy to put me through saying I’m very talented because I can sing anything from 50's rock n roll, country, pop, reggae and modern chart music and that I have a distinctive voice with good dance moves.”
“I think everyone should know about me and other Travellers with talent getting get turned down because we're Travellers. It’s unfair and it gets really annoying sometimes, some of us Gypsy/ Travellers have the talent to be professionals, some of us are already at a professional level. I’ve been singing and doing gigs, writing music from the age of 13. I think I have a good chance of winning the competition this year as I’m different, I’m a modern Rock N’ Roll artist and they don’t come along.”
Promo video for the album ‘Rockin Rhythm’ by Frankie Smith: