Opportunity for Gypsy, Roma and Travellers who want to work in film
26 June 2015

If you're from the Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities and want to get into the film industry, there's a great chance to do so with The Video College.
The Video College has gained funding from Creative Skillset to match a grant from the ITF/FT2 Legacy Fund to run a 6-month production-based, film training programme, Ready to Work in Film 2015. We shall recruit four women and four men aged 18-24, from the UK's Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities and we welcome applications from people who are disabled
- people who have recently completed degree courses, apprenticeships, internships or have gained limited professional experience
- people who have a particular interest in camera, sound, editing or production
The deadline for applications is 20th July with interviews on 23rd & 24th July and the course beginning on 1st September 2015.
If you are aware of anyone who fits the target groups above whom you think might be interested, we’d be very grateful if you could pass on the attached details of the programme and the application process.
If you’d like further information about The Video College and our training programmes, please visit our website, www.thevideocollege.co.uk or get in touch by email or ‘phone.