“Our words will never be enough to thank them” - Travellers fundraise for disabled child

Gypsies, Travellers and friends raise money for severely disabled child
Adelaide is a little Traveller girl who needs lots of specialist medical care which is not available through the NHS. The Traveller community have been busy raising money to help pay for her care. The Travellers’ Times caught up with Adelaide’s family to find out more.

"Our words will never be enough to thank them, adds Pearl Smith. “Adelaide is our life and world and she has stolen a lot of hearts with her determination and her beautiful smile. We will be spending Christmas at home as right now it's all about keeping Adelaide safe from covid.”

Adelaide’s mum adds:
“Adelaide is fed through a tube in her belly called a peg and is on a feeding pump which feeds milk into her bowel as her stomach can't tolerate anything other than water. Adelaide has had to fight from the day she was born and she fights every day. The doctors expected Adelaide to be in a vegetative state, but because of the help of everyone raising money, we have been able to afford the private treatment needed to help ‘rewire’ her brain. Its working and even the doctors are amazed that Adelaide is now able to smile.

“There are so many Travellers who have done so much in helping raise money for Adelaide,” adds Adelaide’s mum. “Some have done charity walks and run, some have taken part in fundraising drives, some have even done boxing shows. We are so grateful. It's hard to believe that so many hearts have been stolen by Adelaide.”

To support Adelaide in her battle for health please donate to Adelaide’s fundraiser which can be found by following this link: Fundraiser for Albert Sherred by David Mcdonagh : Money for little girl adelaides (gofundme.com)
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