A prayer by young travelling boy Jamie Johnson

AS part of FFTs ‘Young Gypsies & Travellers Speak Up’ project funded by Paul Hamlyn. Intern Samson Rattigan visited Surrey and met up with two young Travellers.
Jamie Johnson (year 5) won a prayer competition run by his school (Green Oaks Primary, Godalming, Surrey). The prayer will now be read at the beginning of every school Mass service. The Arch Bishop Of Guildford came to meet Jamie and he presented him with a gift. Jamie said he really enjoys school and that English is his favorite subject, but he also likes the experiments in Science. He has a stallion horse called ‘Tiny Tim’ who he plans to ride with his wagon. As well as horse riding Jamie enjoys playing Golf in his spare time.
Jamie’s award winning prayer:
Dear God,
Help us through our days of education.
Let us be kind and responsible for other people’s belongings.
Guide us and help us do the right thing.
Thank you for our friends Families and Teachers.
by Jamie Johnson