Teenage life in Lockdown

The Covid19 pandemic has changed all of our lives, Margaret (14), and Myomi (15), both from Wrexham, have shared their experiences.
Being in Lockdown has had a big impact on both girls. As Margaret says, “Since lockdown I have found things really difficult. It has felt really strange not being able to go out and see my other family or friends” said Margaret “It have felt really low and the same routine has been the same which just makes me feel ‘stuck’. At times it has made me I feel as if I can’t breathe and doing the same routine every day has been so boring. It makes you think more and dwell on things which isn’t good”.
Myomi feels the same: “I have found lockdown really rough. It has made me feel low and it has just felt the same every day. My baby brother is poorly so we have to be very careful around him. We cannot have other people that don’t live with us coming around as this could infect him. I have felt cut off from things going on.”
Both girls have mixed feelings around school. Margaret says, “I am missing school and the structure that it gives me but my mommy is too nervous to send us back”. Myomi has found it “really confusing living in Wales and having different lockdown rules to England. That has made things harder if anything. I feel really strongly that schools should not be opening yet. It is putting children at risk and it’s wrong.’
For both girls it has been really important to get the right technology in place to support their schooling. Margaret has a laptop and is hoping to do some school work on that. but things have been more difficult for Myomi “We have no laptops here which we have found difficult to so I can’t access anything. I am hopeful this will change soon”.
Bywyd plant yn eu harddegau yn ystod yr argyfwng
Mae COVID-19 wedi newid bywydau pawb. Mae Margaret (14 oed) a Myomi (15 oed) o Wrecsam, wedi rhannu eu profiadau.
“Ers i’r cyfyngiadau symud gael eu cyflwyno rwy wedi’i chael hi’n anodd iawn i ymdopi. Mae wedi teimlo’n rhyfedd i beidio â mynd allan i weld fy ffrindiau neu aelodau eraill o’r teulu” meddai Margaret. “Rwy wedi teimlo’n isel, ac mae’r un drefn bob dydd yn gwneud ifi deimlo’n ‘gaeth’. Ar adegau, rwy’n teimlo fel na alla i anadlu. Mae’n gwneud ichi feddwl mwy am bethau, sydd ddim yn beth da”.
Mae Myomi yn teimlo’r un fath: “Mae’r cyfyngiadau symud wedi bod yn anodd dros ben. Mae fy mrawd bach yn sâl, felly rhaid inni ei drin e’n ofalus iawn. Allwn ni ddim cael pobl sydd ddim yn byw gyda ni i alw heibio oherwydd gallai hynny achosi iddo fe gael ei heintio. Rwy wedi teimlo’n ynysig iawn.”
Mae gan y ddwy ferch deimladau cymysg ynghylch yr ysgol. Dywed Margaret, “Rwy’n gweld eisiau’r ysgol a’r strwythur mae’n ei rhoi, ond mae mami’n rhy nerfus i’n hanfon ni nôl”. Mae Myomi’n teimlo ei bod “yn ddryslyd iawn inni yng Nghymru, gan fod rheolau gwahanol gan Loegr ar gyfer y cyfyngiadau symud. Mae hynny wedi gwneud pethau’n anoddach a dweud y gwir. Rwy’n teimlo’n gryf na ddylai ysgolion fod yn agor eto. Gallai hynny roi plant mewn perygl, sydd ddim yn iawn”.
Mae wedi bod yn hollbwysig inni gael y dechnoleg iawn i gefnogi eu haddysg. Mae gan Margaret liniadur, ond mae pethau wedi bod yn anoddach i Myomi, “Does dim gliniaduron gyda ni yma, felly dw i ddim wedi gallu cael mynediad i unrhyw beth ar-lein. Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd hynny’n newid cyn hir.”