Flashing Lights Media looking into the subject of Deaf members of the G/R/T community

I am a producer director at Flashing Lights Media, looking into the subject of Deaf Travellers for a potential documentary for the BSL Zone – an online channel showing programmes in British Sign Language (You can see their website here: www.bslzone.co.uk). Members of the team working on this have a reputation for making sensitive documentaries about Deaf people from different communities in the UK, including elderly people, the Muslim community and the Scottish Highlands.
Many Deaf people develop an identity and sense of community around being deaf, similar to that members of Roma and Travelling communities have so that's why we are interested in what their experiences are and whether they feel part of both communities. Very little is known about the experiences of Deaf people in Roma and Travelling communities and we would like to close this gap with our documentary.
If you are Deaf and from a Roma/Travelling community - or if you know of someone who is - I would love to hear from you. You can get in touch with me at:
email: cathy@flashinglights.co.uk
tel: 0203 3457 0430