From the London Rally to Boomtown Fair – Travelling Gypsy rights family sought by photographer

Natasha Quarmby – an intrepid freelance photographer who often works for The Travellers’ Times – needs your help tracing this family.
She first came across them when she took the photographs for us of the June Gypsy Traveller Rally in London.
Earlier this month she was taking photographs at Boomtown Fair near Winchester and came across the family again – chilling out with their horse-drawn waggon.
Natasha told The Traveller’s Times that the family where happy to have their photographs published on The TT, and that she would love to get in contact with them to give them copies of the photographs as she promised.
She told us that, “I only have one name and that is John, for the father.”
“I wish I could remember their names, but I was busy on the assignment that I was doing and I only met them by chance and recognised them from the London rally.”
“Perhaps if you put it on The TT they will come forward.”
“I would like them to connect with the photos so I can send them copies.”
“They live like this all year round, including the two daughters, a really lovely family.”
If you know them – tag them into the post on our FB Page so Natasha can pm them and get in contact.
TT Team
(All photographs © Natasha Quarmby – Fields of Light Photography)