Memories of my Grandparents by Paul Smith
26 June 2020

It's nearing the end of Gypsy Roma & Traveller History Month 2020. TT have been sent this beautiful photo by Paul Smith, of his Grandparents Joe and Phoebe Smith.
"My Granny was from Kent, her maiden name was Scamp and my old Grandfather Joe Smith. My Granny Pheoebe Smith was very well known for her singing and was recorded by Topic Records and BBC"
Her album was called 'Once I had a True Love' and has tracks like The Yellow Handkerchief, Molly Vaughan and 'The Blacksmith Courted Me'.
"I'm full of pride for my Grandparents, we're all of us a Travelling People through and through" said Paul
Thanks for sending this in Paul - beautiful photograph TT Team