Planning for future homes in Wokingham Borough: Now is the time to take part:

Wokingham Borough is planning for future development and we are facing tough choices about where and how new homes should be built.
Wokingham Borough Council is currently producing a Local Plan that will set out where and how new homes, including Gypsy and Traveller pitches, and the schools, roads, sport, community and health facilities needed to accompany them, will be built in the borough in the years up to 2036.
We are urging as many people as possible to get involved. We have launched a consultation on the Local Plan. Please visit: to find out more and take part.
This is your opportunity to help shape the borough’s future development.
What is the Local Plan Update?
The updated local plan will guide where and how growth will take place in the borough in the years up to 2036. We know we have to plan for more housing, which is always a complex and controversial subject. We also need to plan for Gypsy and Traveller pitches, new employment, schools, roads, parks, shops and community facilities necessary to create places people want to live, work and do business.
What is this consultation about?
This is the second public consultation on the plan so far. It is a discussion document to help us move towards a preferred strategy for development and will inform the draft plan that will be consulted on next year. No decisions have been made at this stage about the future strategy, or preferred sites.
The consultation asks where you think development should go - concentrated in new communities or spread throughout the borough - and whether there are locations where higher densities or taller buildings may be suitable. There are also questions about land for new employment centres. You can see all of the land being put forward for development as part of this process and provide comments on its suitability.
Land has been put forward for a variety of uses, including Gypsy and Traveller pitches, housing, shops, open space and others.
The consultation is open between Monday 12 November 2018 and 4pm Friday 15 February 2019.
How do I respond?
All the consultation documents and information on how to respond are available online at
Should you have any questions regarding this consultation, please contact Wokingham Borough Council’s Growth and Delivery Team by emailing