Remembering Rosie - A life Tribute to a lady loved by many

Rosemary was born on 23rd April 1931 into a Romany Gypsy family and started out life in a splendid Bow top with 3 sisters and 5 brothers residing on the old Bogey road. Rosie travelled far and wide but her family would always return to Methyr Tydfil

She once told a story of how the bow fell off the top of wagon whilst they lay asleep, and she awoke to watch the stars as the snow fell in.
Rosie and her family lived a very traditional Romany Gypsy life, she learned to cook and sew and would go out on the scrap cart and owned a hawkers license to knock door to door. She enjoyed traditional cooking and would scrump and forage with her family to feast on Lamb broth, pig trotters and even hedgehog - a great baker throughout life, Rosie would never be interested in fast foods or takeaways.

As life adapted so did Rosie, she went on to marry and have 8 children. She would sit and knit the children’s clothes. She loved to sew for hours, intricately attaching lace to frocks and socks and making curtains and pillowcases.

Rosemary was well known for her fortune telling. People would come from afar to sit and learn their fate. She loved her family and she also loved her animals. Rosie had many dogs, birds and horses throughout her life and was particularly fond of Shih Tzu and Pomeranians, who would sit on her lap and by her side for hours.

Rosie spent most of her life living on the Glynmil site where she called home, many of Rosie’s family also close by enabled Rosie to watch her grandchildren and great grandchildren grow.
Rosie was well known for her beautiful singing voice and would be asked to sing at many events and parties. She particularly loved the songs by the well-known Welsh Artist David Alexander “Working Man” and “The Answer to Everything”

Rosie had many friends and loved a trip to the bingo in the local town. She loved to visit the boot sales and find a bargain. She had a wicked sense of humour and was very chatty. People would love to sit and talk with her. Rosie will leave behind many joyful memories for her loved ones. She was a lover of life, and held onto life with both hands. She will be missed by many and will always be loved.
RIP Rosie 23/04/1931-12/04/2020
Written by Lillie Bramley