Edge Fund announces new funding round for campaigners

"Edge Fund announces new funding round for campaigners"
"The Edge Fund have opened new funding round, to support groups taking action for a just and equal world”.
Groups can apply for grants of up to £3000 to support their work. The deadline for applications is 17th April 2017.
Edge Fund supports those taking action for a just, equitable and sustainable world. We fund work that challenges abuses of power and aims to bring an end to the systems that cause injustice. This could be our economic system, our political system, or any system that discriminates against people based on their identity or background (e.g. class, ability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, age or other factors).
Here is a bit more information about the funding round
(https://edgefund.org.uk/2017/03/07/we-are-open-for-applications-2/) and some information about the groups we have funded in the past
We rely on donations to raise money for our funding rounds, and we are only open for applications when we have raised enough money. We welcome donations large and small, and particularly monthly donations as they help us plan for the future. So if you, or someone you know could donate so we can keep supporting those taking action for a just and equal world, that would be amazing (https://edgefund.org.uk/donation/)
Please get in touch if you would like any more information.