Thomas McCarthy will come to your school for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month!

Traditional Irish Traveller singer Thomas McCarthy will be visiting schools up and down the country this June, as he performs his stories and songs of both contemporary and historical Traveller life and culture at schools to promote Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month 2018.
Thomas McCarthy spent his childhood travelling and living in Ireland and England and learnt his songs and stories from his family. He is internationally recognised for his wonderful authentic style of singing.
John Belshire, Head Teacher of Fleetwood’s Charity School, Lancashire, said that when Thomas McCarthy came to visit them he used his storytelling skills to take the children “to a mysterious world beyond their experience.”

“The children loved the session and used his ideas to enhance their own storytelling at school,” he added.
“A boy from a Travelling family came and talked to me about Thomas and must have remembered every bit of every story! I have never seen him so enthusiastic.”

Thomas’ stories and songs are recommended particularly for children between the ages of 7-12 (Key Stage 2 and year 7). His sessions are approximately one hour with groups of up to and around 30 children. A day will include four sessions in four classrooms.
Sessions can be a springboard for other activities e.g. letter and story writing, music, geography, art, PSE and more. Projects have involved mapping, reading from a Gypsy history, flower-making, drawing, song-writing, painting and a study of the boat people.
Thomas has a website: (but book through Nicky Snell as below).
Fees: £200 plus travel expenses for a 4 session day at one centre.
For further information or booking: email Nicky Snell at or ring/leave a message on 01524 389574 or 07508389428.
By TT News
Read more about Thomas McCarthy on the TT by clicking the links below:
Thomas McCarthy and Viv Legg release new album of Gypsy/Traveller songs