ACERT :Join us to celebrate Romani and Traveller women's activism past and present

This year to celebrate the centenary of women’s suffrage ACERT's annual mini conference will put the spotlight on the important role played by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller women as part of the continued campaign for rights, respect and equality.
The day will be about celebrating the strengths and resilience of Romani and Traveller women across the UK. We have a range of female Gypsy, Roma and Traveller activists, academics and artists confirmed.........writes Lisa Smith ACERT Vice-Chair.
It will be an opportunity to hear directly the powerful messages and testimonies of women who have made ways out of no-ways, who have opened up ways for so many others, women who are breaking down barriers, crossing boundaries, and creating and increasing opportunities for women and girls.
Come and join us in in debate and discussions as we reflect on Romani and Traveller women's achievements and demonstrated strengths, and how the struggle does and must continue to decisively end the inequalities, injustices and unfreedom that Romani and Traveller women still suffer throughout Europe.
The free event will take place on Saturday 22nd September 2018 10-4pm at Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road London NW1 2BJ.
Delegate spaces are filling up fast so please remember to book here to avoid disappointment and ensure enough refreshments and lunch will be available.