Crowdfunder launched to support legal challenge against ‘RACIST' anti-Traveller injunctions

A crowdfunder has been launched by the charity London Gypsies and Travellers to support the continuing legal battle against anti-Traveller injunctions which are used by councils to effectively criminalise Traveller camps on public and common land in their area.
There are currently 37 councils that have successfully got anti-Traveller injunctions and many more are set to follow them.
“We are trying to raise £8000 to help fund our legal challenge against local councils who have won injunction orders banning Gypsies and Travellers from stopping on open spaces – effectively criminalising a way of life,” say London Gypsies and Travellers.
“We believe these injunctions break the Equality Act and discriminate against Gypsies and Travellers. Please support us.”
To see the crowdfunder click on this link: END RACIST INJUNCTIONS CROWDFUNDER
London Gypsies and Travellers have also released a film explaining what anti Traveller injunctions are and why they need to be challenged:
London Gypsies and Travellers has already taken on Bromley Council in the High Court, challenging its injunction to stop Travellers and “persons unknown” from camping on 171 open spaces and car parks and won. The judge refusing the injunction recognised that simply pushing families out of one area into another was not a solution and criticised Bromley for not considering alternatives such as negotiation. But now Bromley Council are appealing the ruling on 3rd December.
“There's limited time and we need to make sure they don’t win, or this situation will get worse,” say London Gypsies and Travellers.
“We are trying to raise £8,000 to help fund the challenge. We need your support to allow us to do this.”
TT News
(Photograph by Elisabeth Blanchet)