Only ONE more day to nominate for the Friends Families and Travellers Awards 2020!

Tick tock ⏰ only ONE more day to nominate for the Friends Families and Travellers Awards 2020 #FFTAwards2020
Friends Families and Travellers believe there is much to celebrate within Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities – from the kindness of the Traveller Foodbank Challenge to the sports prowess of Tyson Fury and Samson Lee, to the incredible achievements in the music industry by Shane Ward and Scarlett Lee.
On the 6th March, they will be hosting an awards ceremony to celebrate inspiring individuals who have made a special contribution to society and their own communities. This includes Romany Gypsies, Irish Travellers, Scottish Gypsy/Travellers, Welsh Gypsies and Travellers, New Travellers, Liveaboard Boaters, Roma people and Travelling Showpeople who you think deserve an award for their work.
Nominations are only open for one more day!
If you haven't nominated someone already this is your last chance!
You can now nominate on Whatsapp by messaging +44 7425419853 or by messaging Friends Families and Travellers Facebook page
The awards will be judged from six categories, and the winner for each category will be chosen by a panel of community members, Friends Families and Travellers staff and Trustees. There are six awards to nominate for:
- Inspirational Young Person Award
- Arts, Culture and Heritage Award
- Sporting Excellence Award
- The Education Award
- Inspiring Project Award
- Alexander Award for Lifetime Achievement
Commenting on the organisation’s Friends Families and Travellers Awards 2020, Sarah Mann, Director of Friends Families and Travellers said:
“We’re very excited to celebrate Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community members and all the positive contributions they make in our own communities and wider society, up and down the country. The awards and the evening’s proceedings will acknowledge and honour all those who have worked hard to make our world a little better, for themselves and others around them.”
For further information on how to nominate please visit the Friends Families and Travellers website.