Vroom vroom – Meet the Gypsy Nomads!

20 June 2024
Gypsy Nomads

A Romany Gypsy motorbike club has been flying the flag – the Gypsy flag – on its regular runs around the UK and across the channel into Europe.

Gypsy Nomads

What started out as a group of Romany Gypsy pals riding together on their motorbikes three years ago, organically evolved into the Gypsy Nomads Riders Club, which now has 11 members, says Keith Dighton, who is a member of the club.

Gypsy Nomads
The design of the Gypsy Nomads patch was a joint effort, says Keith Dighton

“Nearly all of us are in England, with one member in Scotland, we are spaced apart but make the effort to meet up as much as possible, whether that is to ride for fun, or for more serious memorial and charity runs,” adds Keith.

Gypsy Nomads
Keith Dighton with the Gypsy Nomads

The club flies the Romany/Gypsy flag wherever it goes, including when the Gypsy Nomads took part in the Queen Elizabeth Memorial Ride through central London, which took place in September 2022, shortly after the Queen’s death.

Watch the Gypsy Nomads fly the Romani flag at the Queen Elizabeth Memorial Ride below:

“To be honest, people don't really know what the flag stands for and often ask questions about it,” says Keith.

“We get lots of people fascinated that there's a few Gypsy boys flying the flag for Travellers worldwide.”

Gypsy Nomads
Paying their respects - the Gypsy Nomad Riders Club visit the war memorial at Sword Beach, Normandy.

“I have flown the flag personally on the bike in Scotland, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Lichtenstein, the French Alps, Spain and Monaco,” added Keith – who has just returned after a massive 2,100-mile trip through Europe, with five other Gypsy Nomad members.

Gypsy Nomads

“I even had some French Travellers stop and have chat with me in Monaco about the flag, which was nice!”

TT News

(All photographs and video courtesy of Keith Dighton)
