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Ben Bennett

My name is Ben Bennett I am a 14 year old English Romany Gypsy, I am the youngest in my family. From when I can remember people have judged me based on my ethnicity and I have experienced negative stereotyping which caused me to leave main stream education at a young age, but where there is negativity there is always a positive avenue to proceed, and I have turned round all the bullying all the negativity into campaigning for a positive change for all ethnicities and I share my experiences with everybody to help educate the need for equality.
I am training to be a pilot, and enjoy public speaking my life ambition is to be prime minister and bring about real change and promote children’s futures and end inequality. I live by my motto Per ardua ad astra ("Through adversity to the stars" or "Through struggle to the stars" which my Grandfather always told me, when things were difficult for me.