Our Team

Rosie Toohey

I’m Rosie Toohey, I’m 19 and identify myself as an Irish Traveller. I have three brothers, four sisters, six nieces and six nephews so lots of presents at Christmas time. I have seven GCSES and am a qualified beautician, hairdresser and spray tanner. I work on a European level with the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community. I have previously worked with organizations/charity’s that work closely with the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community. I set up my not-for-profit organization at the age of fourteen because I noticed there was a lack of support for the youth our community. I have been awarded volunteer of the year and have spoken at the Irish Embassy amongst many other conferences/meetings for my community. I am currently at university studying child psychology. I am hoping to put my degree in practice to help the young people of my community succeed. My ambition is to make a change to my community.