Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening

18 March 2015

What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm ?

The aorta is a big blood vessel that takes blood from your heart round your body as some people get older the aorta can get weak and swell ,this is called an aneurysm.Men aged 65 or older are most likely to get this sort of aneurysm.


Is an aneurysm serious?

If you have a large aneurysm it could be serious.If the wall of your aorta gets weak it could burst.

If you have a small aneurysm it is not dangerous,but still important to keep checking that your aneurysm is not getting any bigger.

Why is it important to have the test ?

You cannot tell if you have an aneurysm,the NHS offers AAA screening tests so we can find aneurysms early and keep checking them,or we can treat them if this is needed.

What happeans at the test ?

We use ultrasound ,the test usually takes less than 10 minutes.For the test you lie down and lift up or open your shirt .You do not need to undress.We put cool jelly on your tummy and move a small scanner over your skin,this shows us a picture of your aorta and we measure it.We will tell you your results straight away and let your doctor know.

Before the test we will tell you about the test and you can ask questions.

The results

Normal - You do not have an aneurysm,you will not need any treatment or checks afterwards

Small / Medium - Your aorta is wider than normal ,you do not need treatment now but it is important to keep checking in case your aneurysm gets bigger,these checks are yearly or every 3  months depending on how big your aneurysm is,we give you advice on how to slow down the growth of the aneurysm.

Large - Your aorta is much wider than normal,we arrange for you to see a vascular consultant about treatment,only 1 in 100 men have a large aneurysm.

What do I need to know about the test ?

There is no risk from the test ,and it is a very good way to find out early if you have an abdominal aortic aneurysm .This could save your life.

Where to get more information ?

In Lancashire and Cumbria  phone 0191 445 3726   or 01772214405

Visit the NHS AA screening programme at www.aaa.screening.nhs.uk