New Romani and Travellers E-Learning Training Module

Following the recent publication of the Welsh Government’s ‘Enabling Gypsies, Roma and Travellers’ plan, the Centre for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) has released a new ‘Romani and Traveller Healthcare’ e-learning training module which is the culmination of a year-long collaboration with the Romani Cultural and Arts Company.
More than 100 stories were gathered for ‘Stories of Health & Wellness’, a three-year research project led by the Romani, Cultural and Arts Company and funded by the CEHR.
Isaac Blake, Director of the Romani Cultural and Arts Company said that the e-learning module was essential for health services.
“We are proud of our community and to showcase our stories to support this ground-breaking venture,” he said.
“Gypsies, Roma & Travellers face a multitude of barriers that prevent them from fully accessing healthcare. This e-learning module is essential to raise awareness of the positive stories and the barriers, so that health services and other agencies can learn how best to support and engage with marginalised, vulnerable groups.”
The research evidences the health inequalities Roma and Traveller communities face, including a shorter life expectancy. Some of these may be the result of the traditional Romani and Traveller lifestyle and culture. However, some stem from the prejudice and discrimination these communities face when accessing health and wellness services.
Everyone who works in the NHS in Wales is committed to providing the very best care. However, there may be times when working with diverse groups that we feel uncomfortable and unsure about saying or doing the wrong thing. The new e-learning resource aims to develop the confidence and capability of staff to deliver culturally sensitive healthcare that meets the needs of the Romani and Traveller communities.
The bilingual e-learning module is accessible to all NHS Wales staff via their individual ESR account. In addition, approved external groups will be able to access the learning via
Tracey Good, Interim Director of CEHR thanked all Gypsies and Travellers involved in creating the new resource.
“We would like to thank the Romani and Traveller communities in Wales for allowing us to use their personal stories to give an authentic voice to this work and to Isaac and his team at the Romani Cultural and Arts Company for their invaluable advice and guidance,” she said.
“We would encourage staff to undertake the training and would welcome any feedback on the new module.”
By Isaac Blake