Gypsy and Traveller Coalition hold Conference at UCLAN

The Gypsy and Traveller Coalition held its first conference on the 23rd of October 2018 at the Uclan University in Preston.
The conference was well attended with various groups and organisations.
Different cultures were represented at the conference which was something we had hoped would occur. As we ask for equality we must also recognise calls for equality.
The conferences heard from speakers from the Stonewall organisation Vice-chairman, The acting Chief Constable of Cheshire police. Dr Zoe James from Plymouth University. Dr Kath Larkin University of Lancashire. A Trade Union representative from the PCS Union and members of the Gypsy and Traveller Coalition committee (who presented on negotiated stopping and the 'big businesses' (As G&TC refers to the main organisations who are contacted by Government and LAs etc in regards to the Gypsy and Traveller communities)
There was a presentation from the floor by the Horse-Drawn Campaign in regards to the disappearance from the map of ancient trails and droves.
The conference overran because of the length and strength of the debates and finally was called to a close at 4.30pm.
For the first conference of the Gypsy and Traveller Coalition, it was a total success, and we heard the term "coalitioner' used on more than one occasion (referring to the coalition members)
We cannot thank Uclan university enough for its hospitality, which was second to none, and the help and support of the University staff who worked so hard to bring the conference into being. They were magnificent.
Thanks to all our speakers who gave such interesting speeches and caused much food for thought.
And on the mention of food, we would have to thank the catering staff for their arrangement of food on the day.
This was an excellent conference which broke the mould in many ways and we will be looking to do it all again next year.
Gypsy and Traveller Coalition Committee.