Enquiry launched to investigate racial harassment in higher education

13 December 2018
Text saying Enquiry launched to investigate racial harassment in higher education

The Equality and Human Rights commission have launched an inquiry to understand the types of racial harassment experienced at publicly funded higher education institutions (HEIs), such as universities or higher education colleges.

In 2017, research done by LKMco, in partnership with Kings College London’s Widening Participation department revealed barriers ‘at every level’ that make Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils one of the most under-represented groups in UK universities.

From our lived experiences we know that there is widespread systemic racism in higher education institutions directed towards Gypsies, Roma and Travellers lets make sure our experiences and voices are reflected in this enquiry. 

They want to hear from staff and students  who have experienced, witnessed or helped in an incident of racial harassment from September 2015 on wards.

There are various ways to respond:


They welcome individuals meeting the following criteria to participate in the students' survey:

  • you were a student at any time between September 2015 and now
  • you study or studied at a publicly funded higher education institution in England, Scotland or Wales
  • you experienced or witnessed racial harassment in this setting, or helped someone who was

Complete the racial harassment survey for students (link to Smart Survey)

Complete the racial harassment survey for students: Welsh language (link to Smart Survey)


They welcome individuals meeting the following criteria to participate in the staff survey:

  • you were employed as a member of staff, either academic or non-academic, by a publicly funded higher education institution at any time between September 2015 and now
  • you worked at publicly funded higher education institution in England, Scotland or Wales
  • you experienced or witnessed racial harassment in this setting, or helped someone who was

Complete the racial harassment survey for staff (link to Smart Survey)

Complete the racial harassment survey for staff: Welsh language (link to Smart Survey)



