‘Missing Voices’ – researchers want to hear from disabled Gypsies, Roma and Travellers

Researchers from Shaping Our Lives – a network organisation for disabled people and service users - and the University of Worcester have launched a survey for disabled Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in a bid to include their voices in national disabled groups and policy debates.
The research is part of a research study which is designed to listen to the missing voices of disabled people who live in Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) communities, and to explore whether that voice could be heard in key policy forums, including having a presence in Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations, say the researchers.
If you are a Gypsy, Roma or Traveller and you have a disability, or you know someone who is disabled, you can take part in the survey by clicking on this link: MISSING VOICES SURVEY.
The results of the research may lead to the development of further research into the ways that people from GRT communities could be actively involved in shaping the future in regard to getting the voices of Disabled GRT people heard.
“We are keen that this piece of research does just not become another report gathering dust, but rather we are hoping to see changes taking place as a result of this research” says Dr Peter Unwin, Principle Investigator, University of Worcester.
“There will be an action plan as part of the final outputs drawing from our findings and another study detailing successful policy changing activities by Deaf and Disabled People's Organisations.”
“We are hoping to be able to meet with GRT community members across Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England to discuss their experiences of disability with a view to encouraging best practice,” says Becki Meakin, Disabled Researcher, Shaping Our Lives.
The Disability Research into Independent Living and Learning funded project was won by open competition in February 2019 and commenced in March 2019.
The research is predominantly disabled people-led and the steering group involves members from the GRT communities.
Any people interested in taking part in this research, please contact Dr. Peter Unwin at the University of Worcester by email p.unwin@worc.ac.uk or telephone: 01905 855126.
TT News
(Stock Photo by Ricardo IV Tamayo on Unsplash)