Supporting the career aspirations of the Gypsy and Traveller Community in Darlington

Moving On, Aiming High! have an update on a project their running with young Gypsy and Travellers supporting career aspirations in Darlington
We had our second event on 26 September 2019 at Firthmoor Community Centre where children and young people had access to careers advice and support bespoke to their interests...........writes Moving on, Aiming High.
At this event, young people designed their own t-shirts with the theme of displaying their career aspirations. In addition to customising their own shirts, the young people took part in various career-oriented activities such as “Career Bingo” a game focused on reflecting on who they already know in their family who engage in certain types career roles.
Another game focused on thinking about the variety of jobs available in key buildings in Darlington, specifically to help young people see how many jobs are in major work industries such as hair and beauty and childcare. The event was also attended by Darlington Borough Council Learning and Skills service, who offered some practical hands-on first aid training where the young people experience how to help adults and infants in different emergency situations.
Childcare practitioners from the community centre nursery joined the event and made a powerful impact as they were able to share their personal experiences within the workforce and were wonderful role models to the GRT community as she explained about her job role and the path that led her there. The manager discussed volunteering roles offered and ways to help the community. The community centre manager made a point to thank the young people on behalf of the food bank for a tremendous response the Darlington GRT community had in contributing supplies to the Food Bank challenge.
At the end of the day, the young people discussed activities that they might like to do at future events so we can continue to make our events interesting and informative to their want! Our next event will be held once again at Firthmoor Community Centre on Thursday 5 December 2019 from 12:00-4.30 pm.
Future events planned are:
- A pop-up school where young people from the GRT community will have the chance to meet employers, engage in team activities, recognise the many skills they already possess, and research jobs and apprenticeships. This will take place 20 – 23 January in Darlington.
For further information on this exciting project and for information on all our events visit our Facebook page @movingonaiminghighdarlington or follow us on Instagram @movingonaiminghigh.