International Irish Traveller Day proposal - take part in survey say campaigners

A new campaign steering group are proposing to create an International Irish Traveller Day to celebrate the rich heritage and culture of Irish Travellers.
The steering group say that they aim to create and turn International Irish Traveller Day into an annual opportunity to celebrate and raise awareness of the rich cultural traditions and heritage of their people.
“We feel that a day of our own to celebrate our rich heritage would help bring us closer together as a community, helping to spread a revived pride,” say the steering group.
The idea was initially proposed by Josie O’Driscoll, head of GATE Herts (Gypsy and Traveller Empowerment Hertfordshire).
“I initially proposed the idea on social media, created an online survey which we shared, and we had a lot of interest from activists and GRT organisations,” said Josie O’Driscoll.
Josie O’Driscoll added that the survey has been shared on Instagram and Tik Tok to get young people involved.
“We've had responses from U.K. Ireland, Armenia, Denmark Australia, America and Greenland so far.”
The survey is open to Irish Travellers/Pavee/Minceir anywhere in the world and can be found by following this link: PROPOSED INTERNATIONAL IRISH TRAVELLER DAY SURVEY.
TT News
(Picture: Irish Traveller family in their decorated caravan en route to the Cahirmee Horse Fair, Co. Cork, 1954 courtesy of National Library of Ireland on The Commons)