Health care charity seeks to engage with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities

Health care charity Choice Support is building a diverse network of communities and individuals to support England’s health-care watchdog to make the right decisions.
“We are currently building and facilitating a network called the Public Engagement Network that will enable people whose voices aren’t usually heard to engage with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), England’s independent health and adult social care regulator,” say Choice Support.
“The network will be made up of local and national groups and organisations that represent and advocate for the diverse range of people who are likely to face health inequalities and who are at risk of experiencing poor outcomes,” they add.
“One of our focuses is to engage specifically with the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities across the UK to help identify local and national issues when it comes to accessing or using health care services.”
The Public Engagement Network (PEN) supports engagement between the diverse range of people who use health and adult social care services and the Care Quality Commission (CQC), England's health and social care regulator. Facilitated by Choice Support, PEN is made up of community groups and local and national organisations who represent people who might not otherwise be heard by the CQC. PEN is part of our 'Experts by Experience' contract which involves members of the public in inspections and activities to improve health and social care.
If you are interested in joining the Public Engagement Network, then please email
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(Photo by Online Marketing on Unsplash)