Chaseyboy Smith - Ambassador of Dignity!

Today, the Travellers' Times is shining a light on 7-year-old Chaseyboy Smith for receiving an extra special recognition certificate for being an amazing Ambassador of Dignity.
Mrs King, Chaseyboy’s teacher, awarded the special recognition to Chaseyboy for demonstrating kindness to all, all the time, and for always believing in himself, and for achieving excellent maths results.
The Travellers’ Times asked Chaseyboy how he felt about receiving this award, and with a face full of pride and a cuteness overload, he proudly said, “I’m really happy because I got a certificate from my school. I wish my granny and uncle Absy were here to see it”.

Chaseyboy was referring to the late Ryalla Duffy and Absy Duffy, Ryalla’s son. Ryalla sadly passed away in 2021 and the family were devastated further when they lost Absy shortly after.
Ryalla was well known in the community for her writing, poems and film making. She was founder of the Lincolnshire liaison group and got her whole family involved in supporting Gypsy and Traveller communities. So, it will probably come as no surprise that young Chaseyboy is following in his grannie’s footsteps in showing kindness to all and receiving this award for ‘Ambassador of Dignity”; something both his family and friends are very proud of.

“I am so proud of the progress Chaseyboy has been making at school,” said Eliza, Chaseyboy’s mam.
“The last few years have not been the easiest for Chaseyboy and his cousins,” added Eliza.
“They had a very close relationship, with their granny Ryalla and their uncle Absy.
They have all had their struggles at school with bullying and racism, which unfortunately seems to be part and parcel of life for Gypsy and Traveller children.
Considering everything that Chaseyboy has had to face at the young age of 7 years old, I couldn’t be prouder of his achievements
I am also very pleased to hear that he tries to do everything with kindness too, I think that is just as important as his academic achievements.”
The Travellers’ Times wants to wish Chaseyboy a massive congratulations and looks forward to seeing if his future achievements will lead him on the same path as his granny.
Keep up the Kushti work!
If you know a young person in the community who should have a light shined on them for their outstanding achievement, please contact the Travellers’ Times by social media or email and tell us more
Words and pictures - Dee Cooper for YTT News