Elim Housing Assoc celebrates GRT History Month 2023

Elim Housing Association celebrated Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month 2023 last month at the Traveller site it runs in Weston Supermare, Somerset, and also with a picnic for young Roma people in Bristol.
Elim supported the charity SARI (Stand Against Racism and Inequality) to hold a Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month event for young Roma people in Bristol, providing a picnic on College Green as part of a visit to the city and celebration of the GRT Flag flying over City Hall.
As a second event, Elim hosted a community day at Greenfields Way Gypsy and Traveller Site in Weston Super Mare with a specific aim to encourage residents to share family stories from the recent and distant past, and to recognise and celebrate the richness of these personal histories.
Families from the site were invited to come together over a communal lunch to capture multi-generational photographs and stories through film and storyboard that demonstrate the different opportunities and challenges faced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller families over time.

The day was supported by a community grant from ‘Moving for Change’, which aims to improve the quality of life for nomadic Gypsies and Travellers and the communities in which they live across the UK.
Elim Housing’s Specialist Housing Manager, Lorraine Jenner said: “This event brings to life family stories which are sometimes hidden away. As a provider of housing for Gypsies and Travellers, we recognise how important it is to ensure people feel able to protect and maintain their culture and identity, and it is a privilege to be able to hear residents share their experiences and lineage with us.”
Greenfields Way Gypsy and Traveller site was developed by Elim in 2015, with support from North Somerset Council and funding from the government. The site provides 24 bespoke pitches for Romany Gypsies, Irish and English Travellers and New Travellers residents.
Elim Housing Association currently owns or manages 90 affordable Gypsy and Traveller pitches across five separate Local Authorities in England.

Elim is also working with new partners to increase the provision of new pitches and the quality of existing sites in Bristol and surrounding areas over the next five years. Elim also sit on the National Policy Advisory Panel on Gypsy and Traveller Housing, with an aim to tackle discrimination and promote best practice and the supply of appropriate and affordable homes for Gypsies and Traveller.
If you are interested in working with Elim, or finding out more about the sites they manage and own please visit their website www.elimhousing.co.uk
Elim press release/TT News
(All photos (c) Elim)