Wakefield Gypsy and Traveller Association going from strength to strength!

A new support organisation for Wakefield’s Romany Gypsies and Travellers is going from strength to strength - by focusing on education and activities for children and young people alongside providing support for their families.
The Wakefield & District Gypsy and Traveller Association (WDGTA) was set up by Anne Marie Nicholson and covers Wakefield, Pontefract, Castleford, Barnsley and Kirklees.

The WDGTA runs regular children’s education sessions, which during the Autumn/Winter months take place every Friday 3.30pm to 4.30pm at Sandal Library in Wakefield (although do check the WGTA public Facebook group to make sure the session is taking place before going along!).
When the warmer weather starts in the Spring/Summer, the WDGTA heads off to Heath Common Traveller site, Wakefield, to help the residents run outside games and outdoor activities, plus monthly outreach visits to other sites.

"At the same time as any of these sessions, families are welcome to drop in and ask for help,” says Anne Marie Nicholson, adding that the WDGTA will help with councils, doctors, hospitals, universal credit and housing benefit claims – and mucht, much more.
“We work with people and families on sites and private sites,” says Anne Marie Nicholson, who is a Traveller herself. “In the summer we will be teaching how to ride bikes safely and bike repair workshops, alongside nature walks on Heath Common, Easter egg hunts, and kite flying sessions,” she adds.

The WDGTA also arrange trips to Thornes Park Playground and horse handling sessions at Wakefield Riding for the Disabled Association.
“All our support services are free,” says Anne Marie Nicholson. “We do this work because we are passionate about our community getting the right support - and to be treated fairly like any other citizen,” she adds. “We want a better understanding and freedom to live how we want, and to work with other organisations and people to be able to achieve this.”

Good luck to the Wakefield & District Gypsy and Traveller Association, from all at the Travellers’ Times, and if you live in their catchment area then do pop in to see them at one of their sessions if you need help, support – or just a chat!
Find out more about the Wakefield and District Gypsy and Traveller Association on their Facebook group by following this link: Wakefield and District Gypsy& Tavellers Association | Facebook

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(All photographs © Anne Marie Nicholson)