Conversations with Romany Women by Millie Cooper

Millie Cooper is a 24-year-old Romany woman from Kent and a Goldsmiths University of London Graduate where she studied theatre and filmmaking. Travellers Times caught up with her about her latest film project ‘Conversations with Romany Women’
“My work revolves around challenging Stereotypes of Romany Gypsy women through the medium of film and theatre. ‘Conversations with Romany women’ is a short documentary film in which we discuss issues surrounding discrimination, inter-generational trauma, racism and feminism. I am passionate about changing the narrative for the Gypsy community. I believe that together we can create space for Gypsy Roma and Traveller voices to be heard to build a better life for members of the community and younger generations.
‘Conversations with Romany Women’ started out as a Third-year major research project but has grown into so much more. I found myself frustrated with the negative media stereotype that had been created and felt angered at the discrimination and blatant racism online and throughout my own life. After all the injustice we have seen throughout the past year and people standing up for what’s right, I felt this was the right time for me to create the film and challenge the stereotype around Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities. I wanted to educate with the film as well as tell the story of the inspiring women involved. Throughout the making of the film, I have learnt so much about my own culture and what it means to be a Romany woman in society today, my hopes are to create a longer feature in the future including stories from the older generations of Romany women I am surrounded by as a way to preserve our history. I believe that projects and films such as this are so important to keeping our traditions alive whilst giving younger generations of Romany girls a positive representation of their culture.
By Mille Cooper
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