Free Activities To Do At Home During School Closures: Into Film

As the coronavirus/COVID-19 situation continues around the world, we know that many parents are gearing up for school closures. We recognise that this prospect will poses difficult challenges for parents who will be seeking ways to keep their children meaningfully occupied outside of school time.
To provide help with this, Into Film have made a number of their member-facing activities freely available to all. These activities provide help for teachers and parents by offering simple, easy and useful activities that young people can complete without support of all ages.
Into Film support children, young people and their families to gain a fun, educational benefit from film watching, as well as helping them consider the many varied careers within the film industry. You can download free activities from:
These activities include review writing guides, which can help young people apply their film knowledge, critical thinking and literacy skills to any film, providing a valuable - and entertaining - means of honing their English and writing skills during the school closures.
As well as review writing, Into Films activities also support filmmaking - which can be done with minimal equipment, even on a mobile phone or tablet - and their ongoing Film of the Month competition offers the perfect way for young people to keep busy with a practical project that can be completed within the home and enhances various skills including organisation, planning and creative thinking.
In addition, you might also consider supporting your children to enter the Big Dreams of Screen, a new competition running with Puffin, to help mark their 80th birthday. Into Film are encouraging young people to use their imaginations and storyboarding skills to have a chance of getting their idea transformed into a film.
You can also encourage young people to check out the YouTube channel Get Into Film, where you will see young reporters interviewing actors and filmmakers from all the latest film releases, and sharing their views on the world of film.
Travellers' Times will continue to provide ideas for learning options for young people of all ages in the coming weeks, so be sure to keep checking back.