“They say for evil to prevail the good people must sit around and do nothing”

Kerensa Smith, a horse dealer, scrap dealer and singer, tells us why she joined the Drive 2 Survive campaign against the new anti-Traveller laws which is part of the wider controversial Police Bill currently going through Parliament.
While the world has been turning very slow, the powers that be have been moving very fast, creating new laws that will change our way of life forever.
The Drive 2 Survive big top on Fair Hill just added to the nostalgia of Appleby Horse Fair. Inside was a celebration of Traveller life with art and music but with also with a remembrance exhibition of the genocide of the Roma and Sinti during the holocaust, lest we forget.
Even with the dark cloud of the Police Bill hanging over the Travelling community, spirits were high. The atmosphere was family orientated with all generations pleased to be in each other’s company.
The Appleby’s Got Talent competition in the big top had some amazing singers, but the winners were always the children.
On Friday, the day of my arrival, I sang for the receptive audience which led to a privileged invitation to perform in the main show on Saturday. I was accompanied by the legendary musician Bill Lloyd.
A Roma band took to the stage transforming the big top into vibrant Gypsy café.
The show’s lineup consisted of, but not limited to, Irish, Scottish and English Travelers. A traditional Roma band, New Traveller and folk singers; all putting on an amazing performance, coming together in solidarity against the Police Bill.
We exchanged stories around the campfire and arranged to meet in Manchester to protest against the new anti-Traveller laws at the Conservate Party conference.
In Manchester, Drive to Survive led the charge with bold horses. Our drummers put a beat to the march. Jake Bowers, Sherrie Smith, rokkered the jib over the tannoy with a message of defiance. Marvina Newton, Leeds founder of Black Lives Matter and Chantelle Lunt, the Merseyside founder, called the chant and along with Nahella Ashraf, from Manchester Stand Up To Racism, were just a few of the many advocating for the masses. There is no doubt they stand united with Drive 2 Survive against racism to Romani Gypsies and Travellers. Thousands marched with us in Manchester and I was proud that I too, marched against tyranny. I heard the people and I saw for myself. Believe me when I tell you, the revolution will not be televised.

The Government has taken the land until there in nothing left, cornering the nomadic people into checkmate, criminalizing their culture, illegalizing the traditions and heritage of their ancestors; is this the final solution?
By Kerensa Smith
(Lead photo: Kerensa Smith at Appleby Fair © Huw Powell