Travellers’ Times produces multi-award winning media focussing on things that matter to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people.
For over 20 years, we have sought to provide high-quality news and information about these cultures, and enabled people from them to tell their stories through print and online journalism, film, and other media.
Travellers’ Times stands in direct challenge to one-sided views of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller life. Whilst it is not possible to act against every piece of unfair coverage, we try to be at the heart of a different view. But we also support direct responses to unjust reporting and politics.
Our work always includes, or is led by, the people it is about. Through this we hope to inspire new talent, and to spark off fresh approaches to our communities across the worlds of publishing, the arts and communications.
We recognise that the very bracketing together of people as ‘Gypsies Roma and Travellers’ is contentious for some.
The group term ‘GRT’ wasn’t invented by the people it describes. It is as much a result of political convenience and shared disadvantage as it is of actual cultural overlap.
The term is widely used by organisations, the authorities, and increasingly in the media. We may disagree with this but we must be prepared to deal with the fact that the term is used.
We also believe that everyone to whom these words refer is entitled to equal respect.
Travellers’ Times has a long history of working with people from all of these backgrounds and is proud to have earned their trust. We work for everyone who believes Travellers’ Times is for them.
We do not judge or classify people and we expect them to be sincere and to respect our community spirit.
We also hope the work we create will be useful for people whose loves and jobs keep them in touch with Gypsy Roma and Traveller people. We want to inspire people to forge alliances and to see the world from different points of view.