New film challenges hate crime towards Gypsies, Roma and Travellers

The campaign organisation Gypsy and Traveller Empowerment Herts (GATE Herts) have released a film explaining what hate crime towards Gypsies and Travellers is and how it can be challenged by reporting it to Report Racism Gypsy, Roma and Traveller.
The Gypsy and Traveller lead GATE Herts have research that shows that many community members are reluctant to report incidents of hate crime that they are a victim of or a witness to. Report Racism was set up in 2016 by GATE Herts to encourage Travellers to report incidents to them so that they could challenge hate crime and record it.
'If you don't report it then it isn't counted' say GATE Herts. 'Report Racism are here support you in challenging hate crime and you can report it straight to us'.
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