Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative – shaping up to be an even bigger, better community resource!

“It’s been our busiest year yet in our nineteen years of serving Traveller communities” says Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative Director, Paul Boucher
The Travellers Times caught up with Paul Boucher from the Lincolnshire based charity to find out what the highlights of the last 12 months have been.
“There have been significant highlights; Gaining a five year Big Lottery award to fund our Learning Bus scheme, a new Well-Woman Group in Gainsborough and the Parent and Toddler Group continue to thrive,” said Paul, “and the increased work load means our team has grown from two people to seven, and our volunteers are now more valuable than ever.”

L.T.I’s Learning Bus staff teach a full curriculum to over fifty young Travellers who are educated at home but the demand for Adult education has been growing too and LTI have been supporting people with Maths and Literacy skills and helping them gain certificates in ‘Health & Safety’ and ‘Understanding Dementia’ – which will all help towards getting into work.
Gainsborough Well Woman Group have been working a diet and exercise plans and everyone in the group has lost weight and three women have lost over a stone. “The key ingredient of the group is friendship” said Denise, a group member “A thriving Facebook group means you’ve always got someone to encourage you and help, you’ve only got to mention eyes or teeth and the group are marching you off to the dentist or optician – all in a friendly caring way!”

The charity have also been doing lots of arts projects with young Travellers and you can read about their achievements over on #YTT.
Congratulations Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative, The Travellers Times looks forward to seeing what the next 12 months bring.
To get in touch and to get involved with any of the projects mentioned visit
(Main Picture - Joanne, adult trainee with the Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative (c) All photos Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative)
By TT News