Travellers make history in the London Pride Parade

A group of LGBT Gypsies, Roma and Travellers made history last Saturday when they took part in the world-famous London Pride Parade for the first ever time.

Traveller Pride – made up of LGBT activists from all over the UK and Europe - joined the parade and marched from Oxford Street to Trafalgar Square flying both the rainbow and the GRT flag high.

The Parade comprised of many different LGBT groups coming together to celebrate diversity, equality and acceptance for who they are.

London Pride first took place in 1972 and this year was also the 50th anniversary of the original Pride Parade in New York, USA.

The parade was cheered on by over one and a half million onlookers, LGBT activists and revellers.

Speaking to the Traveller’s Times, organiser Tyler said that Traveller Pride were all really pleased with how Pride in London went.

“It was so great for us to meet and have an opportunity both to celebrate who we are and to talk about what we want from a group for LGBT Travellers,” he said.

“We now have a solid group to go forward and start making some real changes and getting some recognition, we've already had some exciting offers of collaboration but we are very keen to hear from anyone else who would like to be involved with us or wants to collaborate.”

“It's an exciting time for us! We can be totally anonymous if anyone wants to chat to us. So contact us and suggest what we do next or get involved and come with us to our next pride parade!"

The organisers of Traveller Pride were determined to make their part of the parade inclusive of all Travellers.

The 20 LGBT activists taking part in Traveller Pride included Showmen, Gypsies, Irish Travellers, New Travellers, Roma and Bargee/Boaters.

Traveller Pride gave out stickers and spoke to onlookers as they celebrated their identities.

One of the participants told the Travellers’ Times that it was, “outrageously good fun, and an honour to be part of this historic event and to march with Traveller Pride. Some of the onlookers where both pleased and surprised to see the Traveller Pride banner and get one of our stickers,” said Katie.

Pride in London was the group's launch, a springboard from which they hope to set up a network to provide support and representation for, and by, LGBT Travellers.

To get in touch with Traveller LGBT Pride and find out more email or go to

By Mike Doherty/TT News
(All photographs by Joseph Mitchell )