Our Team

Anastasia Bennett

I’m Anastasia Bennett I am 15 years old and an English Romany Gypsy. My hobbies are singing and song writing, I am an enthusiastic campaigner for Gypsy and Traveller rights, due to my experiences during main stream education, in my lifetime I hope to help bring about equality for the Gypsy and Traveller community and make a difference for the educational opportunities for the Gypsy and Traveller community. I have been featured in several newspaper articles about Gypsy and Traveller educational experiences and stared in the hugely successful Gypsy Kids our secret world series 1 and 2. I recently met with Archbishop of Canterbury, Emily Thornberry MP, Lord Mayor of London Sadique Khan, Right honorable Jeremy Corbyn Labour leader, SNP Angus Robertson. I am ambitious and eager to see change for our community.