Good Health This Winter - Part 3 - Routine Vaccines

In this short series, Charlotte James, Public Health Coordinator at Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange (Leeds GATE) and Liz Keat, an Outreach Nurse share advice we can all take to stay well this winter and how to get some help if you need it.
Keeping your family up to date with routine vaccines
Vaccinations protect us and our families against potentially life-changing diseases, throughout our lives. “If your child hasn’t had their routine vaccinations, or you are home educating any children, speak to your GP practice, or one in your local area, to arrange those your child is entitled to. Home-schooled children and children not in mainstream education should be invited for vaccination by the School Aged Immunisation Service. If you do not hear from them, please ask your Local Authority Education Department for further information.” Says Liz.
Liz adds “It’s useful to know which screening and vaccinations you are entitled to, so you can talk to your GP about them. Staff will be pleased to offer screening appointments or arrange any vaccinations you may have missed. You won’t be judged by anyone, and they will be happy to answer your questions so you can make informed decisions.”
Which vaccines and when?
Babies: Vaccines protect babies from 8 weeks old. e.g. diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.
Pre-School: e.g. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR).
In-School: e.g. HPV (protects against cervical cancer) and top-up doses of earlier vaccines.
Adults: Free flu and COVID vaccines are offered to: pregnant or older people or those with certain health problems.
You can check if your child is up to date with their vaccines in their ‘red book’ or with your GP.
Even adults can get missed childhood vaccines and it’s not too late to catch up on missed COVID vaccines. Get some general info at, book COVID vaccines at: (or by calling 119) and find out if you can get the flu jab at:
Next week we will look at more general advice on why we get ill in Winter and where to go for help in the NHS.