Planning Aid Scotland (PAS) has been hired by Fife Council to listen to the views of Gypsy/Travellers and Travelling Show People in Fife about their land use and accommodation needs, and access to local services. This is as part of preparing their new Local Development Plan.
Fleur Djikman and David Wood are very keen to make contact with members of the Gypsy/Traveller community living on council and private sites or in bricks & mortar homes, and with Travelling Show people who live in or pass through Fife.
A bit of background: Under new planning legislation, all Councils in Scotland want to hear the views of a range of different people in society. They have to show the action they have taken to meet a wide range of different land use and accommodation needs in their new Local Development Plans.
Local Development Plans are the most important planning documents for every Council area . They deal with what land is needed where for things like new homes - including new council sites - shops, business, and more.
It is vital that planners working on new Local Development Plans hear a wide range of voices – especially as Local Development Plans can last for up to 10 years.

Your views are important
This is your chance to tell the Council about your experiences of living in Fife – whether on council sites, private sites or in bricks and mortar.
We will also report any information that is not directly relevant to the Local Development Plan to the Council.
All conversations will be fully anonymous when we report back to the Council.
Meet Fleur and David from PAS in a very short video below and learn more:
Get in touch: Fleur and David are very keen to meet and speak with you. We have already been out and about meeting residents of council sites.
Please just pick up the phone or email Fleur at the details below if you would like to speak to us. If you leave a phone message, we’ll call back.
Fleur Dijkman:
0131 385 7842
Let your friends & family know: Please pass this on to friends or family members who may like to have their voices heard.
PAS press release/TT News